Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Reading Handout, Believing Is Seeing

Cosimo de' Medici, Grand Duke of Tuscany, b. 1519 - d. 1574
Michel Foucault, French, b. 1926 - d. 1984, The Order of Things
Louis XIV, King of France, b. 1638 - d. 1715
Liberty Leading the People by Delacroix, oil painting, 1830
Verona, 1622
Click here for an excellent photostream on Flickr
Metropolitan Museum, New York City
F. T. Marinetti, Futurist
The Painter's Studio, 1855, Courbet
The French Academy of Science and Fine Arts, 1698, LeClerc, Engraving

Reading Handout, Ways of Seeing by John Berger

Cigarette Ad
Men's cologne, Nacho, Professional Polo Champion, 2009
Girl with a Pearl Earring by Vermeer, oil painting, 1665
Alicia Silverstone
Venus of Urbino by Titian, oil painting,  1538
Magazine Ad for Donna Karan, Fashion Designer
Augustus, First Emperor of the Roman Empire, Marble Carving
Michael Phelps, Olympic Swimmer, 16 medals
Luncheon on the Grass, 1863, Edouard Manet, oil painting
Jupiter and Thetis, 1811, Ingres, oil painting
Pan Pursuing Syrinx, 17th century
Bacchus, Ceres and Cupid, Bartholomew Spranger
Interior of St. Odulphus' Church at Assendelft by Pieter Saenredam, 1649
The Great Wave, 1829-32, Katsushika Hokusai, color woodcut